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melania trump memoir
donald trump on her majesty's Secret Service : i used to call melania xenia onatopp ventrilocist dummy .. since she've seen me toothless we don't share the bedroom
silence and i, alan parsons project .. kennie tellie, kennie rekenie, kennie schelie
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als ik greet wilders, faber, agema, wiersma, bosma en heel dat nsb pvv vvd nscda bbb geschifte gestoorde gebeuren zie, plus donald piggy willy maxima melania melaatse mongolen trump en rattekreng vlad poetin, plus die soort gelijke mammonkanker krengetjess 2018-2024, dan ben ik in een zeer verkeerde verrotte domme doodsse mammonkanker griezel nachtmerrie film terecht gekomen, waar ik helemaal niets mee te maken wil hebben
En natuurlijk klinken de holle vaten van de "attorney generals" = mammonkanker hebzuchtige bezitterige kakelende ijdele versstarde vasstgeroesste versstikkende verwaande smerige stupide juristen het hardst .. en die vrese lijke zelfgenoegzame zelfvoldane zichzelf waanzinnig interessant vindende ijdele verwaande en daardoor domste passieve laffe lege liefdeloze kakelende kutmutssen verdrinkend in drijfzand van kuttenblubber
God ver Domme
Indiana leads 25 states in filing emergency appeal to U.S. Supreme Court to halt EPA’s carbon rule
AES Indiana’s Petersburg Generating Station in Petersburg, Indiana, has been burning coal since the 1960s but will shutter all of its coal-firing units over the next few years. (Robert Zullo/States Newsroom)
Attorneys general in 25 states have sent an emergency appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court asking it to immediately halt a Biden administration rule they say threatens to shutter the country’s remaining fleet of coal-fired power plants.
The emergency appeal to stay the Environmental Protection Agency’s plans to require strict greenhouse gas emissions standards is pending before Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts because the states say the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals is sitting on a number of lawsuits without a decision, and that more time is needed before implementing a decision about technologies like carbon capture and storage. Roberts, having appeal jurisdiction over the D.C. Circuit on what is commonly referred to as the “shadow docket,” could deny the request, send it along to the full court, or issue a brief temporary stay while the matter is further briefed on an expedited schedule.
The filing, led by Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita and West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, said the EPA has overstepped its authority, taking away Congress’ power, as it mandates greenhouse gas regulations that are impossible to meet because the technology either currently doesn’t exist, or would be so cost prohibitive that it would make using coal impossible.
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The appeal to the nation’s highest court also says that because of future pollution targets, energy companies need to make investment and permitting decisions in advance and that the EPA cannot meet those timelines itself, risking millions of sunken or lost costs for public utilities that would be passed along to consumers.
Attorneys argue that if the Biden administration’s rule is allowed to continue, it will mean that hundreds of megawatts will be forced offline, leading to power shortages during critical weather during the summer and winter.
“Among other things, the rule imposes inadequately demonstrated technologies on unworkable timeframes, effectively squeezing plants into retirement,” the appeal said. “Relatedly, it causes serious immediate harms by either pushing plants into binding commitments for retirement or pressing them to start spending large sums to hit compliance dates.”
The rule would force 90% of carbon dioxide from the plants to be captured and stored by 2032 and 40% of the plants to establish co-firing with natural gas by 2030.
“(The rules) are really a backdoor avenue to forcing coal plants out of existence — a major question that no clear congressional authority permits. The rule cannot stand,” the legal brief said.
Carbon capture and storage
Many states have invested in the promise of carbon capture and storage as one way to mitigate the greenhouse gases produced by burning coal. The idea is to capture the flue gas and then pipe it either to underground storage or sell it, thereby reducing the amount of greenhouse gases released into the environment.
However, the states argue that even though the EPA has adopted standards and rules that embrace the carbon capture and storage technology, the technology has not been proven successful or economically feasible.
“The EPA recites a list of CCS projects and operations, saying there are ‘at least 15 operating CCS projects in the U.S., and another 121 that are under construction or in advanced stages of development,’ but this recitation is quantity over quality,” the brief said. “Nearly all named CCS operations are from the industrial rather than the energy sector — an important difference because the energy sector has unique demands like reliability. These facilities are all a fraction of the size of power-generating units; none of them are close to scale.”
Daily Montanan is part of States Newsroom, a nonprofit news network supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Daily Montanan maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Darrell Ehrlick for questions: Follow Daily Montanan on Facebook and X.
Furthermore, the states warn that new power plants that have carbon capture systems will more than double the construction costs as well as increase operational costs by 35%.
“This expense could double energy prices,” the states warn. “Installing CCS reduces plants’ sellable energy by up to 36% — instantly slashing plants’ ongoing profitability.”
The emergency appeal also said that the carbon capture technology will require plant owners to buy more fuel, increasing the cost to run a plant, and that the start-up times will be affected. They claim the new units will have a hard time operating at low loads.
“The National Center for Carbon Capture estimates the first CCS demonstration projects won’t go online until 2030 to 2032,” the legal filing said.
Carbon-capture technology would also call for thousands of miles of pipeline to transport the carbon for storage or usage. Citing a survey by Princeton, it estimates that 66,000 miles of pipeline are needed, while the EPA said it estimates 5,000 miles. Using the more conservative EPA estimates, the states point out that power companies would have to invest more than $12.5 billion for the pipelines.
Finally, the states question the market for carbon dioxide generated from the power plants. For example, they note that one of the largest uses for captured carbon dioxide is in enhanced oil recovery, but many states and counties have restrictions on that. According to the briefs, 95% of the captured carbon market is for enhanced oil recovery, leading the states to question if the market for the product even exists.
“The EPA has no idea how strong that demand is,” the lawsuit said. “It seems imprudent to suppose that many plants will be able to sell carbon. But the sequestration is not much better.”
The appeal said that even the EPA has said that 19 states have no underground storage capacity or very little.
Time is running out
Though many of the goals and targets have deadlines reaching years into the future, the states’ attorneys general say that the permitting, planning and investment needed to comply with the EPA’s rules will take years, and cost states millions (the EPA often delegates regulation and enforcement of federal rules to the states).
In the lawsuit, they say that complying with the rule and enforcing it will eat up staff time on a task that is scientifically as well as economically impossible.
elektrische auto's zouden binnen 1 jaar allemaal voorzien kunnen worden van 2 windturbines in een staartvin, het verkeer in drukke steden moet met meer dan de helft gereduceerd worden, niets dan ijdelheid in je protserige auto naar vergaderingen en rechtszalen en ander nikserig "werk" of geschift geknor van kipvarkentjess
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vliegtuig vluchten NU met de helft reduceren.
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Furthermore, the states will have no ability to recover the costs, and any costs public utilities will sink into the mandate could be passed along to consumers.
“It forces producers to decide between launching a Hail Mary bid to squeak by under a painful new regime or just bowing out of the game entirely,” the attorneys general conclude.
The EPA did not comment prior to publication of this story.
Scientists make 'incredibly worrying' discovery after observing pattern in one of Earth's largest ice fields: 'We risk irreversible, complete removal of them'
Alaska's Juneau Icefield is melting at an alarming rate, doubling its pace of decline in recent decades.
This vast expanse of interconnected glaciers is shrinking faster than ever before, according to The New York Times, raising what it said scientists called "incredibly worrying" concerns about the future of our planet's ice.
What's happening?
The Juneau Icefield lost 1.4 cubic miles of ice annually between 2010 and 2020, according to a recent study published in the journal Nature Communications. That's twice the rate of melting observed before 2010.
Since the late 18th century, this massive ice field has shed a quarter of its volume, with the most dramatic losses occurring in recent years.
Bethan Davies, who led the research, gave a stark statement to the New York Times: "If we reduce carbon, then we have more hope of retaining these wonderful ice masses. The more carbon we put in, the more we risk irreversible, complete removal of them."
Why is the melting Juneau Icefield concerning?
The rapid melting of this Alaskan ice field is a clear sign that our planet is overheating.
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As the ice disappears, it affects more than just the local landscape. Here's why this matters to all of us:
Sea level rise: Melting glaciers contribute to rising sea levels, threatening coastal communities worldwide.
Climate feedback loop: As ice melts, it exposes darker land beneath, which absorbs more heat and accelerates warming.
Fresh water supply: Glaciers act as natural reservoirs, providing fresh water for ecosystems and human communities.
Wildlife impact: Many species depend on these icy habitats for survival.
The changes in the Juneau Icefield serve as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address our planet's overheating. By taking action now, we can help protect these vital ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.
What's being done about the Juneau Icefield?
While the situation is serious, there's still hope. Scientists, policymakers, and laypeople are working together to slow the melt.
For example, studies like this one help us understand the problem and develop targeted solutions. International efforts, such as the Paris Agreement, aim to limit planetary heating and protect vulnerable areas. And many communities are switching to renewable energy sources to reduce carbon pollution.
You can make a difference, too, with actions big and small. The most important thing you can do is get educated about topics like this and use your voice to help steer public sentiment and beyond, however you feel.
By making these small changes in our daily lives, we can contribute to a cooler future for our planet. Remember, every action counts when it comes to preserving our planet's incredible ice fields and the vital role they play in our global ecosystem.
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