donderdag 4 juli 2024

Die uitspraak van de "supreme court" is de smerigste stupide schande sinds adolf hitler in "het Westen" (vlad poetin, assad en kim zijn een net zo smerige schande), donald trump zou nu de gevangenis in moeten vanwege moord tijdens de capitool bestorming en de "supreme court" heeft een uitspraak gedaan dat een president van amerika opdracht mag en kan geven tot (politieke) moord zonder daarvoor vervolgd te worden ! Steeds meer ijdele verwaande verrotte dode lijke gore mammonkanker gelovige gluiperige smerige stupiditeit in beeld gebracht .. george bush, balkenende, donner, verhagen, rutte, schippers, thom de graaf, cda vvd d'66 van 2003 en blair zijn ook misdadige moordenaars in Irak 2003 (geweest), net iets minder ernstig dan vlad poetin omdat sadam hoessein een moordende dictator was (maar de echte reden was verkeerde wraak vanwege 11 september 2001, domste mammonkanker aap george bush aan herverkiezing helpen en olie uit Irak, zo duidelijk toen al in 2003, de leugens van huichelende hypocriete liegende balkenende ellendig vies smerig kutmannetje net zoals doodzieke mammonkanker pig schijt kutkop rutte), zij zijn ook misdadige moordenaars op de burgerbevolking van Irak, stervende planeet aarde door deze mammon godsdienst waanzinnige verwaande verrotte dode lijke smerige stupide animal farm pigss chickenss .. en die uitspraak van de republikeinse conservatieve vvd ggg ss zwijnen in de "supreme court" KOTSS kan niet meer terug gedraaid worden .. als dat gore gluiperige smerige stupide moordende vernielende varken trump president wordt, GAT VER DAMME GOD VERDOMME

mammonkanker kakel en knor kut "juristen" vernielen de wereld met andere verstarde verrotte dode lijken

Project 2025 head says 'second American Revolution' will be 'bloodless if the left allows'

The president of The Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank, said the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling is encouraging and that the group, known for Project 2025, is already in the process of “taking the country back.”

“We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” Kevin Roberts said in an interview on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast on Tuesday.

The Supreme Court granted former President Donald Trump limited immunity from prosecution for official acts in the ruling that split the justices 6-3 along ideological lines. Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the ruling dangerously expands the chief executive’s power and makes presidents “a king above the law.”

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to the Heritage Foundation’s President’s Club Meeting in Washington, D.C. on October 17, 2017.

The mammon animal farm pig above the law  

Roberts said Monday’s decision is vital to ensuring a president won’t have to “second guess, triple guess every decision they’re making.” He also alluded that it will help usher in Project 2025 if Trump wins reelection in November.

The 2025 Presidential Transition Project, as it is otherwise known, is a detailed 900-page “Mandate for Leadership” that lays out an administration-in-waiting for the next conservative president. It seeks to redefine the executive branch, including overhauling several government agencies and replacing civil servants with political appointees. The plan has critics up in arms and concerned about its “apocalyptic” and “authoritarian” nature.

“In spite of all this nonsense from the left, we are going to win. We’re in the process of taking this country back,” Roberts said Tuesday. “The reason that they are apoplectic right now, the reason that so many anchors on MSNBC, for example, are losing their minds daily is because our side is winning.”

Roberts’s appearance on “War Room” raised red flags for Democrats, who reacted with concern to his comments.

James Singer, a spokesperson for the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign, responded in a statement drawing attention to the Fourth of July.

“248 years ago tomorrow, America declared independence from a tyrannical king, and now Donald Trump and his allies want to make him one at our expense,” Singer said. “they are dreaming of a violent revolution to destroy the very idea of America.”

In a statement to USA TODAY Wednesday afternoon, Roberts alleged that it is organized groups on the left that “have the capacity to carry out violent riots.”

“Americans in 2024 are in the process of carrying out the Second American Revolution to take power back from the elites and despotic bureaucrats,” Roberts said. “These patriots are committed to peaceful revolution at the ballot box.”

Perennial political candidate and spiritual leader Marianne Williamson also responded on X, formerly Twitter, adding, “This is chilling. Their idea of a second American Revolution is to undo the first one.”

Rachel Barber is a 2024 election fellow at USA TODAY, focusing on politics and education. Follow her on X, formerly Twitter, as @rachelbarber_

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Project 2025 leader says SCOTUS immunity ruling is encouraging

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