zaterdag 25 mei 2024

Mei ken et niet schele en folleges mein istie niet helemaal lekker ken ik je wel fertelle .. ja, sofeel oofer ferwaande ferwende dode krenge, die sein toch al dood, dat is contaminasie fan de taal ! met een ontefreden suure rotkop omdat se geen orgasme kenne kreige .. is ook ferfelend maar om dan anderen ook dat gefoel te wille geefe, dan ben je een naargeestig kreng, dat is se ferhaal .. en dat die sielige smerige stupide mutse niks beeters te doen hebbe met dat ferdrietige ijdele leefentje van se, folharde in je eindige kakelende knorrende fersuurde ferstarde domheid en die ellendige verwaande verrotte domme befeiligers, politie en leger sein te vaak de moordende laffe valse ss schutz staffel krenge hondeuh vanneuh greedy ijdele vvd ggg ss animal farm kut varkentjess en kippetjess

 datkan wetenschap

Letters to the Editor: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's chilling message: Laws aren't for conservatives to obey

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks during a campaign stop, Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022, in San Antonio.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks while campaigning in San Antonio in 2022. (Eric Gay / Associated Press)

To the editor: It's difficult for me to imagine a pardon more repugnant than the one Texas Gov. Greg Abbott granted to the convicted murderer of a Black Lives Matter protester.

But Abbott merely was parroting the same message that former President Trump sent in pardoning so many convicted criminals who were among his supporters: Laws are enacted to regulate the actions of progressives, not conservatives.

Got it. Something for voters to remember in upcoming elections.

Greg Gilbert, Burney, Calif.


To the editor: Let me get this straight.

Most people in Texas are allowed to openly carry a firearm in public. But according to Gov. Abbott, Texans are also allowed to shoot anyone carrying a gun if that person approaches you, talks to you or otherwise exhibits any behavior you believe is forcing you to "stand your ground."

That’s wilder than the Wild West ever was. Dodge City, Tombstone, Abilene and Deadwood all had varying forms of gun control that today’s 2nd Amendment advocates would vociferously claim to be unconstitutional.

And they say California is full of lunatics.

Greg Seyranian, Redondo Beach


To the editor: Abbott's pardon is another example in this country of a white minority pretending to have a political philosophy.

Abbott and his ilk are not politicians, they are not leaders, and they most certainly do not have the public's interest in mind. To be in control is their only motivation.

Michael Harold, West Los Angeles

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.

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